After ordering the DVD I can't seem to find
shelved locally, I am now an affiliate of
Not Evil Just Wrong.
Although not like me (ever) to join a group(s)
with any cause, and announce it, this
seemed appropriate as my web site has
had multiple posts pertaining to this
area and I hold personal interest in
how the people of the world can be so
gullible as to believe many - if not any -
things without so much as research
with an open mind to verify, at the
least, some truth to the matter(s).

As this DVD is from the opposing
arguments against the machine
that forces emissions taxes, auto
industry design changes, funding
misuse (on many levels), and
instilled fear in many peoples,
it promises to be one-sided.
For that matter, it is only right
that I view An Inconvenient Truth
along with it to leave my mind
open to possibility(ies).

After viewing, my full review
will be posted for sake of sharing
information and offering a reason
to learn and research all the facts
before throwing more money into an
endless abyss of excuses and exaggerations.

3 opinionated prattle:

real eyez said...

Will be waiting for the review!

john r mclay said...

I ordered a used copy of egore's vid for $6. funny, no?

Stan Harrington said...

Looking forward to your review, after watching both videos. $6.00 for a used Egore video - they only sold for $3.95 new! Oh, maybe that was before he got the Nobel Prize and Academy Award, after that the prices went up. I have a whole bunch of DVD's that I will sell to you for $5.00 each! Take them all and I will drop the price to $4.00. If I deliver them I will drop the price to $3.50 each.

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and your tongue is sharp and quick,
leave a worthless thought for me
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