Sunday, May 17, 2009

No color added - a naked sunset

Apologies for the background noise as not being cut
This clip was made from a 17 minute video and sped
up dramatically. Feel free to mute it, but see it full screen.

2 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

Great color! We should see some terrific sunrise an sunset shots this summer, especially in this area where we still have a lot of dust /volcanic ash to disappear into the atmosphere. Remember several mornings this past summer that I would set my alarm to get up at 4:30 to shoot sunrise pictures. Being a novice at shooting good pictures, surly they make some type of filter that you can use to get the halo or light streaks eliminated when shooting the sun or moon. I have lost a lot of good shots because of those light shadows.

john r mclay said...

I have had numerous mis-takes from sun glare, also. In this case, I chose the blue "flare" for it's artistic impression and true color that the filter would change.

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