Monday, August 25, 2008

Good Monday to all!

Finally got some deserved rest for the weekend.
Stayed here, in LA, instead of driving to HITW
for more construction progress. The garage
got much-needed attention, my work truck
was organized, and the lawn mowed.
In case you've been wondering what to
get me for Christmas and can't afford a
Tesla Roadster:

Ever seen one of these vehicles?
Not too sure about handling at speed,
but it looks cool.
On other levels, got some fishing time in
while in LA for the weekend. Too bad the
rule was "NO RETENTION", or Byrd could
have held record standings.

Hard to wipe the smile from her face - being
digital, and all.
Have a good week, and for those involved -
see you at the HITW this weekend!

8 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

I thought you were doing work around the place all weekends, then yu show a picture of your last fishing trip in the stocked ponds of LA. However, that is a very nice Rainbow, even a hen! I can't beleive you made her release it, she would have had enough eggs to provide your supply for next season. I caught a Rainbow just a little bigger than that from Stariski Creek last year, then this year it was that big 16.5 Pound Silver from Anchor River, did I tell you that story?

Snow1 said...

The bike is called a Spyder and is made by Can-Am, a division of Bombardier, and you can buy them at CC Ski-doo in LA for around $16m. It handles more like a car than a bike, doesn't have the lean in the corners.

john r mclay said...

only $16(m)illion? May as well buy me a roadster.
and-yes. I have heard the 16.5 lb story. But, just once. Did you see the 22.14 lb derby winner for Valdez? About like yours (that had eaten a 6 lb fish).

Stan Harrington said...

Wow, $16 million for a three wheeled go cart. I guess my Chevy Plow truck must be worth at least $300,000 without the plow and 1/2 million with the plow. This inflation is just getting out of control, gasoline $4.70 a gallon, vehicles in the millions of dollar range, it must be the fault of President Bush, again. Was thinking of buying a riding lawnmower, not even going to look at those until after the elections and Hillary takes over, oh, I forgot she is not a candidate!

Stan Harrington said...

Since the plan for the weekend is to come south to A.P., you may want to pack a few "cool climate" woolies as the temperatures will dip due to "global cooling". The first fall frost will occurr this week and weekend, it came very close to that point this morning.

Snow1 said...

$16m is Sixteen Thousand, $16mm would be sixteen million

john r mclay said...


Snow1 said...

either is correct

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