Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Good Winter Fun

So NOAA predicts "chance of snow" - - from tonight, to Saturday night. I have had no complaint about the snowfall this last week. We put in many hours sledding/boarding our favorite hill that seems to be constantly prepared for - like a good ham - carving. We even talked my Mother-in-law into the sled distance jumping contest. As you can see in pic 2, even old Messicans in the 'hood are playing the best of our hill.

I just found a belt in town (the only one) for my 20 year old snowthrower yesterday - LET IT SNOW! - if I could only find the 4 gallons of mixed fuel I had in the garage (unmarked can?) ...I hope someone didn't need gas for their vehicle Christmas night - thinking it was a gold mine. Maybe the little Messican guy gots it. If it was mixed with, say, 10 gallons of fuel in the tank, it would provide about a 500:1 ratio - not harming any sensor. If it went in alone, I feel sorry for the O2 sensor and the catalytic converter.

1 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

We got hit with our second "white out" blizzard that we have had this month for most of the day - tomorrow is yet another snow plow day - but no tiny little "girly" snow blower for me, I use on of those big guys that plow through drifts eight feet wide and six feet high. the HITWRA slopes are ideal mogul slopes and if you can hit that one rock just right, it would provide a great ski jump! These slopes have never been conquered by one of those single skis that you strap both legs to.

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