Sunday, August 06, 2006

Is 5000 a signifigance in visitors?

I should get out my dogs and celebrate!!

Maybe my chair should be anew? Maybe a book to increase visitors is in order? Maybe, a new mouse for the occasion? Do you think I could win a gazillion dollars for 5000 visitors to my blog?
Maybe I'm making too big a deal of it all... it started with peer pressure and worked into a senseless frenzy of trivial gravy. AAHH! Memories!
Anyhow, thanks for visiting and trudging through the waste heap of my twisted thoughts. I hope to have 5000 more visitors before the turn of another year.

5 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

I have always enjoyed your site, it always makes me realize not to take things to serious. I checked my counter on the sites that I visit, I have visted your site 4,639 times so I am glad that I made a little contribution to your visitor count.

john r mclay said...

HAPPY KLNHOQ day, jerk! And, thanks for remembering!?!

Stan Harrington said...

Wow, you made me check mine, I never have paid attention to it - since February I have acquired 5,662 - is that good for less than a 6 month period? And you have a good yjcglku day as well!

Stan Harrington said...

What's Up? what's new? Silver fishing great, big fish this year and early! Been picking up several fish each trip our, regardless ofthe timeof day I fish - but I am good!

john r mclay said...

A 6 month period IS good with those numbers - unless you visit your own blog 5,590 times to edit and post.

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