Wednesday, December 23, 2009

For those that we miss

Is it? That special time?
Is everyone jolly, and all things aligned?

It still feels like the same office chair,
and we haven't figured out who's warming the globe, where.

But, there are presents around and the tree is all lit,
The traffic is thick, but I'm done - so I sit.

Usually flying around like a bird without wings,
picking up last-minute, forgotten things.

The girls are all peaceful - no fighting among,
The stockings, of course, by the chimney, hung.

For, Santa will come with his sleigh full of toys
for all of my girls (who know too many boys).

No coal in their stockings or lumps in their lids
they must really care - they're really good kids.

And I sit, and I wonder of future in store
for all of my kids and what tales we have lore.

We sit by the fire with stories about,
and fill in the blanks - ne'er detail left out.

If feeling aside and missing the love,
Let this cheer your heart with a quick, simple shove :

MERRY CHRISTMAS - I mean it! Not even a blink!
This time of year, It's of you that we think.

For those that we see, we'll cherish the time,
and of those we do not, I've written this rhyme.

I wish you all well, and 'til we meet again,
keep grass under foot and strength from within.

Just know that we're missing the moments we've had,
the sharing of tales and the memories clad.

All people we know give our hearts warmth and cheer.
For this, we are blessed with a happy new year.

john r mclay

please have the same with yours.

the dog is going to survive, but still "puny"

2 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

I waited up until 2:13 am to read your Christmas season poetry, it was well worth the wait. Just like waiting for Santa Claus, great job but more meaningful, the thought behind your words. Merry Christmas.

real eyez said...

Thank you! This was great to read first thing in the morning with my coffee!
Merry Christmas to you guys!

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