The above electric hybrid vehicle - The Gym Concept -
has a very unique charging system. Beside the plug-in
charger, there is a generator connected to a workout
apparatus inside the cockpit which charges the system
while in use. Stay in shape and charge the car!
This jet-propelled "hover bike" is just a concept -
no prototype completed at this time but we can dream, right?
In cargo and delivery technology, this scooter promises
a load carried that is worthy of the compact design.
The most promising of new cargo vehicles is the CarGo.
It's versatility in transforming enables a variety of
positions for all cargo/space needs. It may not hold
a ton but can adjust for most residential and light
commercial package delivery needs - as well as find
a compact parking spot.
I suppose my biggest concern happens to be the
money that is spent on all these crazy ideas and
where it comes from when these projects of dreams
are funded.
If Mexican drug money would be appropriated for
developing useless technologies (instead of federal
dollars) we may still be able to provide reliable
transportation for our great grand kids.
You might be inclined to get me one of those hover bikes
for my nearing birthday, but I would settle for a CarGo
just to be reasonable.
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