Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway
through my fishburger and I realize, Oh my God....
I could be eating a slow learner."
~~Lynda Montgomery~~

New information posted in "classified" section of
The Grande Index

8 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

After my last rip to LA, I am looking for a "trunk monkey" for my personal and property protection. However, I have run into a problem, I can't find any on Craigs List or Alaska list on your classified section. However, I did find two ads on your "Notice Board" for monkeys but when I click on the ad to get additional info, the site is blocked! I want a monkey!

Stan Harrington said...

In the event you have not seen the news today. One woman has been killed and one seriously wounded in Boston. Both ladies working as Professional Masseuse's and living in two different posh hotels in Boston. Same man(person of interest) identified on surveillance video in each hotel. The other thing these women had in common, they both advertised in a well known on list classified ad site. Since I do not want my site blocked, I will refrain from listing names, I just want to find someplace that I can buy a "truck monkey" for self protection from the sources of evil that lurks among us.

Stan Harrington said...

Heard that "Blue Duck" is up north, get your guns ready he could come riding in at anytime. Headed north come morning prior to first light with all the horses running to make good time while the trail is still warm to try and intercept. Don't catch up to him by high noon, will turn south and try to cut his trail, could be he is cutting back to the HITW.

its only me said...

Hey that is funny...and guess what I BLOGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

john r mclay said...

YOU blogged!? That IS funny!

Stan Harrington said...

Wow, I had to go to the "profile page" to find out who "it is only me" was, it has been so long, I am surprised that you found your way to your blog site. Good to see you back on line, five minutes a day is all that it takes.

Stan Harrington said...

Where is the Plumma? Have not heard from him in a long time.

FishTaxi said...

Please pass the tarter sauce.

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