The clock begins to look a lot like this:

Weird things come to memory when I have time to sit
and try to figure out how long it has been since I
played the Crazy Clock Game. Then, if it brings
me back over 30 years, I try to think about anything else.

I also wind up working on some projects that I meant
to start or have finished before the turn of the century.
I can't really search the web and
blog ALL day, ya know!

Not that I have had more than a couple of weeks
off consecutively since I started some of these projects
back in the 15 to 20 year old range!

I do what I would call "Clear a
few shelves" when, really, I need
to build more shelves to store the now
3/4 finished habit, hobby, project while I undo
a few other "hobbies" to get the means to
nearly finish one.

My woman loves me to
let me hobby-up while I am on vacation.
She simply paints the entire house and stays
out of my hobbies.

AND I still have time to
watch her paint dry!
(Never saw a better looking paint crew either ;-)
Weird things come to memory when I have time to sit
and try to figure out how long it has been since I
played the Crazy Clock Game. Then, if it brings
me back over 30 years, I try to think about anything else.

I also wind up working on some projects that I meant
to start or have finished before the turn of the century.
I can't really search the web and
blog ALL day, ya know!

Not that I have had more than a couple of weeks
off consecutively since I started some of these projects
back in the 15 to 20 year old range!

I do what I would call "Clear a
few shelves" when, really, I need
to build more shelves to store the now
3/4 finished habit, hobby, project while I undo
a few other "hobbies" to get the means to
nearly finish one.

My woman loves me to
let me hobby-up while I am on vacation.
She simply paints the entire house and stays
out of my hobbies.

AND I still have time to
watch her paint dry!
(Never saw a better looking paint crew either ;-)
4 opinionated prattle:
I was just glad to hear that you were well, mentally stable, I will wait and see. Isn't that the boat project that your started about 10 years ago or so? Nothing better than watching paint dry, especially when you do not have to do the painting. The ole mountain still rumbling, just went off again a few minutes before midnight. Eventually it is going to have to get it out of it's system and start rebuilding a new dome. Surely by now it has exhausted all excess material. does a volcano get the dry heaves? Still have not had any responses from the classified ad section on your blog but I will will wait patiently. It is convenient having a "Johns List" classified section. I would guess in time you will have your own classified ad site to compete with that guy Craig. Loved the link to all the goofy signs. Did you notice that we had a new visitor to the prattle site today, some guy that has the same last name as myself. See you soon.
The boat WAS started in 1990 - that's about ten years, right?
Feel free to enter items in the comment section of classifieds. Note that after 21 days the items will be removed automatically. Don't forget to leave you name, number, email, physical address, vehicle type you drive and your Mother's maiden name. Although this ad section is entirely free, a small "donation" of $2 is required to thwart overhead costs to the administration. Other donations will be accepted as well.
Just a heads up, you are going to get a quick dumping of snow on you in about an hour. It is fast moving, passed through here and heading straight up the inlet. It is almost to Kenai now. Might want to move your car inside the garage.
Inbound @ 0930 ~ everything looks good, no snow on the Doppler, the volcano is resting, weather alerts expired, no reports on avalanches, typhoons, earthquakes, forest fires, dust storms, hail, rain, however the the way the wind is blowing, not ruling out tornadoes, hurricanes force winds.
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If you feel the incessant urge,
and your tongue is sharp and quick,
leave a worthless thought for me
whether cool, or fun, or sick.