volcanic eruption that could cover the skies with
carbons and drop life-threatening ash on the ground
we walk and drive. About 40 years of research (since
before Mt St. Helen's eruption in 1980) prove health
risks involved and some precautions should be taken.
note: In the event of a "Pompei"-like eruption,
disregard any and all warnings and try to
find an interesting position to be buried - other
than huddled in the street - to be excavated
a thousand or so years from now.
(My oldest kid's ideology).

filter media will keep the majority of this ash out
of your fossil fuel burning engine and prevent a lot
of scraping and scoring of gaskets, rings and pistons
that are vital to the function of internal combustion
as we know it.
For your lungs: Particle masks are available to
filter out these minuscule, harmful particles or
just stay inside and wait for a good hard rain to
wash and weigh down the ashes (May?)
Short-term effects are life-threatening but
long-term problems are unproven from ingesting
the abrasive, chemical/mineral-filled substance.
Now, a hair product is available that contains ash
from volcanic activity. It claims to add volume and
body to hair - leaving good bounce and shine!

this bothers me a lot less than some scientists who
have developed a "scheme" (by theory, alone) to
simulate a great eruption by "injecting" (dumping) sulfate
particles into the stratosphere that would scatter, or
diffuse, sunlight and cause a global cooling effect by
lack of absorption of the sun's rays for an
estimated two decades. How could we think this is
a good idea? Maybe we should continue studies of
continuous volcanic eruptions known like this one.
Jupiter's small moons named "Io", has been
known constant for 18 years. Do we really
need to bypass our studies and knowledge while
we still haven't found the "chargeless" axion
(or, ghost) particle so adamantly sought for 40
years that might save us(?) from ourselves?
We must think we're pretty smart, huh?
Maybe we should practice on other
planets first - just not the ones we could,
potentially, move to after we screw this one up.
I hope we can blog on Jupiter...
8 opinionated prattle:
Wow, just so much good information to absorb in a few minutes of reading. Has it really been 40 years since Mt. Saint Helen? I remember that day, I was recruiting for the Navy in Anchorage. It was a clear and sunny day, my crew took me to lunch and I had a great dinner when I got home. I remember it well as it was on my birthday ~ just hard to grasp the concept that I am now 40 years older! I am sure we will be able to blog from Jupiter, we get live pictures from the space station and it is just a few miles from Jupiter.
News Flash: Just on the news, the eruption of Mt. Redoubt will have a positive effect on Global Warming for several decades into the future according to some "experts". I am waiting for Egor to make a statement. I bet the penguins in Antarctic will really be adversely effected as will be the whales. Perhaps,it is time to seriously consider packing the bags and booking a flight on the next space shot to Jupiter.
my bags are packed and my template is saved (so I don't have to write a new one when we get our wifi hooked up on the new planet)...
I would think...just from my experience, that it was maybe 30 years since mt. st. helens. That would put it in 1979, which sounds about right. I lived in Oregon at the time, and i am 35.
I do retract my wording to do with Mt St Helens. The research began a decade before the "big" eruption. The wording, above, has been edited.
I to should have done the math, now I do not feel so old. However, it is not quite thirty years as of yet, it is 29. Now I feel younger.
Correction again ~ still looking for the fountain of youth, I checked dates. Mt. St Helen's erupted on May 18, 1980 which will be 29 years on my birthday so it has really only been 28 years since it erupted for another few weeks. It is said that the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's was in birthday celebration of the Pope John Paul who was born on that same date, May 18th. Beats a cake with a bunch of candles set a flame.
In the event you did not know, the Hut camera on Mt. Redoubt is now functioning again, clouds keep you seeing the top but you can see the scarring on the face of the mountain from water for lava flows. Partly clear here so we may be able to see the mountain in a few hours.
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