We all know money doesn't grow on trees - or, does it?

If you made a stack of ($1) bills one mile long how much would it be worth?

7 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

That is what I like about your site, always a thought to ponder. Well, after a few brief moments calculating, there are two answers, the simple one that most would consider is to measure a $1.00 bill and then using basic math determine that you would have $10,560 if you put them end to end given that the dollar bill is 6 inches in lenth from edge to edge, less by the marginal line. However, being the astute reader that I am, you did not ask that particular question, your question referrred to "stack" which means to put one on top on the other. When you "stack" them to a height of one mile (5,280 feet) you would then have $2,027,520.00. Everyone would love to be a millionaire, do you realize how easily that could be accomplished with $1.00 per day. Each day of year, if you were to place $1.00 in a box, in a few short years you would save the $1 million dollars, it would only take 2,739.73 years - a little less if you figure in the "leap" years. If that is not fast enough to meet "your" retirement plans, do the same thing with a $100.00 bill and it would only take 27 years, which would be compatiable with those of you in your late 20's to mid 30's.

Stan Harrington said...

I am going to call the local nurseries tomorrow and see if I can order a Pachira. In the age of the Inca and Aztec Indians it was referred to as a "Pesobush". The American Indians made reference to the same bush as the "Wampumweed". The early Amercian settlers in the west referred to it as "put up your hands and give me your wampumweed".

john r mclay said...

Are you sure "wampumweed" wasn't cowboy wacky-t'baccie from the dopers on the east coast?
I think $100 a day sounds reasonable...that's only 35,000 a year. I'd retire sooner, I suspect, and it may be a good idea due to the fact I missed out on the "aquarilette" idea.

Shana said...

Guess brittanys two nickel a day may take her awhile to get that million dollars. But she does have over 100 dollars in nickels now....

Stan Harrington said...

Since you did not make reference to the correct answer for your question, I can only assume that my calculations were correct and I won the prize!
There was a prize wasn't there? Actually if you saved $100.00 per day you would have $36,500 per year, not $35,000 or $36,600 on leap years. When is the next "leap year"?

john r mclay said...

Simple math, grasshopper. Info received has to be blamed for the wrong answer.

john r mclay said...

..or blame the wampumweed...

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