Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Remember Leggos?

This is approximately 140 Chubs wet-wipe boxes collected for about 10 years. At $3.29 per box, it's an expensive set of building blocks. Still good for hours of fun.

12 opinionated prattle:

Princess Sarah said...

I love the rainbow! They always seem to entertain my kids when we come over! dont get rid of them!

Stan Harrington said...

This picture is in your house, I see pictures of my grand daughters. Couldn't these be re-cycled, consider the amount of oil it took to make, ship, and dispose of these boxes - that wouldhave been several gallons of gasoline. Why don't they invent a wet wipe, the last in the box that when you wipe it on the box, the box is wiped away! Could they be cleaned of any residue contaminets and be used to freeze fish? Could they be filled with dirt, and used as a border around gardens and walks? Could they be used as forms, for concrete blocks? I have been devising a way to make forms out of wood and pour my own concrete blocks for landscaping at the AA! So many uses come to mind, iother than stqacking them up inthe middle of the living room! Blonde Bear startyed it, now both you and Heidi have taken the length of WV to new heights, good fmaguwt to you!

real eyez said...

Great Fun!! I really think Stan might be on to something...

Shana said...

I want those blocks IF you ever get rid of them!!! I will build a wall aroung the children!! WOW dad was right...ihhrffodduis to you!!!

Stan Harrington said...

Shana - you know that I am seldom wrong -

Stan Harrington said...

Cannot tell on the very top row since it is not a complete row, but it would appear to me that there is 150 blocks plus the few onthe partial top row, so it wouldlikely be more like 153 instead of 140. I used my vufuzx to calculate the count.

john r mclay said...

The best use we have found for them is stacking, knocking over, and re-stacking in new arrangements. Good for structural thoughts and building practice.

Heidi said...

butch loves them....but not as much as my cap guns i have for my halloween costum.

Stan Harrington said...

I want those blocks if you ever get rid of them - they will work great for Christmas present boxes, re-usable year after year, don't need to wrap them, just throw on a sticky note and sit it under the tree. They would also work great for storing cured salmon eggs and freezing them! Oh, I forgot, I am the only one that catches enough fish that has a problem in storing all the eggs for next year so my sons and daughters will have ewggs come spring. Some great hyxym ideas!

FishTaxi said...

still good for hours of fun after cleaning many a bun!

MrsM said...

Oh those boxes are so much fun to play with - glad to see you guys still have them!

john r mclay said...

We just have to consider the cost of wiping - and we find another place to "store" them. They have actually been used for structural support of shelving, etc. and might come in handy if we decide to add on to our house.

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