Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Giving my catfish the treatment

Great, healthy, fast growing hair can be achieved using Hair Formula 37 vitamins. But now you can get even better results by using new GROW! Shampoo and Conditioner as part of a complete HF37 regimen. The Hair Formula 37 program was designed for people/creatures who wish to have perfect hair. This specially developed hair program will enhance your hair growth, make your hair healthier and provide all the vital elements for faster growing, stronger, more beautiful hair.

My catfish will never be the same, but fetches better than any dog I've owned. Next season, the river.

3 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

Now, that is a cute picture - can I use it sometime? Great thoughts came to my mind when I saw this picture, I could Prattle for a long time. In the event you missed my question on your previous blog, what is a female catfish called? Your cat fish has some similar resemblances to a Polar Pig, are they related?

john r mclay said...

NEXT - Noodling, Doggin', Ticklin', Hoggin'...

Stan Harrington said...

Your picture intrigue me, so I investigated. The breed of this (cat fish) is most likely the breed of cats known as Turkish Van. They originated in Turkey and have quite a historical background, going back to Noah. At muturoity, they can weigh up to 19 pounds. Thought you might like to know.

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