Friends Committee on National Legislation
(or, FCNL) on peacefully preventing war.
Have we forgotten?

"You cannot simultaneously
and prepare for war.
~Albert Einstein~

I was going to post about the horrid state
our country is in with frivolous spending,
new government offices wringing the budget
and how our great, great(+) grand children
will be broke from our "flying funds".
Will the next generation(s) want to deal with it
or end it while they still have beans to count?

Never mind the historic tables of deficit
as it would only make sense if you had 3
months of Sundays to study it. Does this
have any affect on our leaders' choices of
how the "stimulus" dollars are spent?!
Do letters to our leaders really get read?
I feel as if I'm slamming revolving doors!
I don't even think anyone listens to facts
concerning CO2 the earth is releasing
that far surpasses burned fossil fuels.
It's not like lakes explode from it - right!?
Maybe it is high time to shy away from
these self destructive matters when all we
can do is watch and listen?

I, usually, am a serious guy - spending my
time on line wisely. I check the mail, blog,
and space out for adequate time to keep
up. As of recent, I have more time and
end up "researching" other silly matters.
Did you know there is a device on the market
to put your fingers in an electrical outlet?
More dangerous things have been made, though:

One would think our new administration
was growing square watermelons.

To our current President, Senate,
Congress and administration:

"Any fool can make things bigger,
more complex,
and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius
and a lot of courage -
to move in the opposite direction.

~Albert Einstein~

4 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

Somehow Blogger lost my first posting, it was only 312 lines in length. This time, I will try to curtail my verboseness. You must be feeling better, or you doubled up on your pain meds. Did the little lady get the nursing uniform as I suggested? Good posting, reviewed the links, good stuff and enough to get data to post for the next year. The link to the budget was very good, a lot of interesting stuff! The second chapter and the second largest chapter in the budget titled, "Inheriting A Legacy Of Misplaced Priorities". Perhaps, a better title would have been, "Don't Blame Me, It Is the Other Guys Fault". I cruised through the budget fast, will go back and digest. Now that we are going to improve all of our schools and every child goes to college promise, the Dept. of Education got a 1/2% increase in their budget! The Corporation of National Community Service" which I did not know existed got a nice increase in budget. What was President Obama's previous employment? Mind boggling! I love those square melons, they must place the fruit in a box so it is forced to grow that shape. Perhaps we should try that, know anyone that has a greenhouse? I bet your mother could do that! Going to post now.

john r mclay said...

...the other guy's fault(snick)
I'm sure you - if anyone - could name the chapters appropriately. It might take me 'til 2012 to read all of that jumbo.
she hasn't tortured me in that way, yet. She HAS done little projects that I'm not allowed to participate in (ie; moving cabinets, hanging lights) AND she won't let me micro-manage it either! The nerve!

Anonymous said...

my name is marissa and i would just like to say that was really funny i didnt get some of them but i understood it after a while

john r mclay said...

Thanks, marissa!
(...2 years later, I am)

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