Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I Spy Something Fishy

I would like to present a formal request:
We should all pitch in to buy Stan a 6-pack of wireless cameras to allow us to view the Anchor River's prime fishing spots. I know he could come up with a better pic than ARI, online - which snaps a digi-pic every minute. I have sat - more than once - "refreshing" the picture taken from Anchor River Inn , over the bridge, trying to determine WHO it is fishing that stretch and are they CATCHING anything?. As this is a novel idea, the quality is poor (to say it politely) and could easily be a live-stream video image to actually view the fight of an unsuspecting steelhead/dolly.
Maybe, then, I could ingest a tale from the Rvier without disbelief - knowing it was caught on "film". We all know what is happening when we're not there.
I do know that, at around 400 hrs this AM, the temperature was about 29* F, clear skies, 82% humidity, with a 5mph NNE breeze due to constant online updates.

...if, only, I could see the fight...

5 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

What a great copncept! I had never visited the ARI site to see the live feed picture, but thanks to your link I did take a look and as suspected, it is worthless. The camera for this shot is mounted in the dining room window, which is over a 1/4 of mile away. We need something up close, as well as several that we can put under the water and get some real pictures. But, rest at ease, better days are ahead and by spring, we may see some vast improvements in the infortmational highway. Trust me, fishing is great - almost as good as the silver fishing:) It is hell, living in paradise and I do not even have to lug a canoe! That is a sneaky WF, qyvsk the y and v touch so it looks like a w with one long leg!

Heidi said...

I wrote you a comment but I posted it on Uncle Bill’s site....so you have to go there!!

Stan Harrington said...

Thanks Heidi for sending us around blog world to read your comments - kinda like that calendar myself, great looking fish to! Maybe I should make up some of those for Christmas gifts?

Heidi said...

...just make sure you are not the model!!

john r mclay said...

...only if the models are coho, chinook, etc...

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