When I started the work truck, the windsheild was fogged - 6:30 AM. When I arrived at the shop, all unmoved vehicles windows were glazed in stiff, white, winter icing. I suppose it's time to go around the cycle, again. Enjoy the rest of "Indian Summer"! And - if WV of comments is a peeve, wait 'til you will need retinal recognition to drive your car.

Don't forget your local KCC and KRAP organizations this week.

5 opinionated prattle:

Stan Harrington said...

I give up, what kind of fish or coral is the second picture, I have searched the web and cannot find this particular specie. Can you give me a hint? Stay warm and remember to turn the nvmendq defrosters on before driving.

Stan Harrington said...

Thanks Plumma! I drained the water system at the AA today, so easy but I guess when there is only one line it helps! I did discover one great thing, one line that did not freeze and break last winter. I was concerned since it is the underground line that goes to one of my remote faucets for watering lawn and flowers. I disconnected it from the building today and blew it out. Again, thanks fo the help - I really do appreciate your effort - see I can be humble! AA is buttoned up for the winter including the shutters! Wow, you have learned how to add letters to your WV! xrqapctpqrxcr

john r mclay said...

Stare into the screen for 20 seconds with your aujkcix laid firmly on the mouse. I'll be the first blogger retinal automated verification (or, BRAV)!!

john r mclay said...

Tay just got an instant message from a "Smelly Pirate Hooker" on Messenger. Should I contact some authority to investigate if this is a pedifile?

Stan Harrington said...

Quit bugging my granddaughter, you bully! Just remember, Newton's theory, "what Goes Around, comes Around", she is smart girl and will figure out something to retaliate. I bet it was pxzvch

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